Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is an independent, state-of-the-art facility that operates from a laboratory level to a multi-ton scale. Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is a service provider for process development, scale-up and custom manufacturing of biobased products and processes.


B4Plastics is a Polymer Architecture company, catalysing the introduction of novel biomaterials, and growing them from niche to bulk applications. Just as an architect creates your dream home, B4Plastics creates your dream plastic.

AIMPLAS - Asociacion De Investigacion De Materiales Plasticos Y Conexas

AIMPLAS is a technology centre with 30 years of experience in the plastics industry. It provides solutions to companies throughout the value chain, from raw material manufacturers to plastic processors and end users.

AVEP- Asociacion Valenciana De Empresarios De Plasticos

AVEP brings together more than 150 companies in the plastics processing sector.It acts as a legal and representative channel of its associates' interests, preparing data, statistics and reports on production capacities, imports, exports, and consumption of plastics and related materials.


Italbiotec carries out feasibility studies, techno-economic analyses and business models design in the biotechnology and circular economy sectors. It is a member of Consorzio Italbiotec, the leading Italian non-profit organisation in the biotechnology sector.

Epoch BioDesign

Epoch combines unique insights from nature with deep expertise in computational and biological sciences to develop enzymes to unlock previously deemed impossible applications. At Epoch, scientists who have spent their entire careers working on these solutions have come together with fresh graduates to build breakthrough approaches to designing and scaling biology.

Photon Mission

Photon Mission, your go to partner for any photonics project. It is theirmission to bring photonics measurement techniques to new, exciting applications that make the world a better place for existing and future generations.


Renasci is proud to introduce Smart Chain Processing (SCP), an innovative process that combines multiple compatible waste-treatment technologies, enabling maximum material and energy recovery.

Saarland University

With its pronounced international focus and its strong ties to universities in Europe and around the world, Saarland University is more international than almost any other medium-sized German university.

BOKU University

BOKU is one of the best Life Sciences universities in Europe, distinguished by its holistic approach to research and teaching. BOKU’s scientists, students and graduates work on solutions for burning social issues and for a sustainable future.

University of Aalborg

AAU’s search for knowledge always begins and ends in conjunction with the world around us, with real problems in mind. AAU defines and takes part in missions that help solve those challenges and achieve sustainable solutions. These missions are the driving force behind theirwork.

MATE - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

With 20 institutes which carry out core activities in education, research, arts and innovation, MATE excels in several research areas such as agriculture, engineering, food science, viticulture, genetics, environmental management, animal husbandry, and more.