Shaping sustainable desing boosting mutual learning exchanges - Online Workshop
Shaping sustainable desing boosting mutual learning exchanges - Online Workshop
The transition to safe and sustainable design (SSbD) is an urgency for society and a prerequisite for developing alternative and safer plastics. With this in mind, enhancing collaboration and information exchange between stakeholders along the value chains (developers, producers, downstream users) helps to promote the development and implementation of SSbD approach.
To respond to these needs, a collaboration among complementary European projects, including “Sister projects” funded by the same EU Call, is vital to create a community of stakeholders and increase the impact of initiatives adhering to the same theme.
These synergies are built on the mutual learning events with all projects to discuss scientific-technical progress achieved and planned activities and identify synergies and collaboration areas.
The first event between the “Sister projects” took place yesterday, on 25 January, aiming to establish synergies on topics of common concern and co-create opportunities for mutual learning.
We want to thank our Sister projects Surpass, Estella and Redondo, all the coordinators, teams and partners for the participation in the meeting and the valuable contribution to the success of today's workshop.
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